Friday, November 9, 2012

What saying "inspired by robin moses" has done, The Moxie Project, inspirational nail videos, peas in a pod nail art, ombre purple nail art, robin moses vlog,

please follow me on twitter at, write #inspiredbyrobinmoses and send a link of your story of how my art has inspired you and photograph of your art.  This is a way I can easily find your stories and links  (THIS WORKS BEST FOR ME)
BUT....if you cannot, please go to OPTION 2. email me at and tell me your story, the name you use and the art you have done. it does not have to be nails.

Send your picture to: or if you do not have a blog, please write and submit your pictures here:

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sugar skull

I've seen a lot of sugar skull nails lately so I decided to do one

I saw the picture of this sweet sugar skull with flowers around it on google... I think it's just so perfect for me because I am very scared of bloody faces, and I won't do any of that or the scary ghost movies on my nails..
The second one is the one I posted on Instagram.. That's why it has IG along with my name.. I have to protect my pictures from being stolen these days..
I hope you try this out, it's very fun to do. It may take a little bit of time but the result is very beautiful!!
Bedizzle.. Xoxoxo